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Click on subject matter to see listing of forms.
Short Term Disability
Long Term Disability
Return to Wellness
New York Disability Benefits Law (DBL)
State Variations

Short Term Disability

Short-Term Disability Claim Statement - Employer
Short-Term Disability Claim Statement - Employee
Short-Term Disability Claim Statement - APS
SLHIC Disability Claim Stmt - Behavioral Treating Provider
Short Term Disability Supplemental Claim Report.
New York Employees Short Term Disability Claim Report.


Long Term Disability

Long-Term Disability Claim Statement - Employer
Long-Term Disability Claim Statement - Employee
Long-Term Disability Claim Statement - APS
SLHIC Disability Claim Stmt - Behavioral Treating Provider
SLHIC Reimbursement


Return to Wellness

Return to Wellness: Checklist for employers and employees on how to use “Return to Wellness” wallet card to file a disability claim.


New York Disability Benefits Law (DBL)

What you need to know about DBL

A Guide to your Insurance (DBL).
What You Need to Know about New York DBL.
Administrative Information about DBL.
Notice of Compliance Policy and Posters.
Employee/Employer Checklist for Return to Wellness ID Card

Premium & Invoice

How to Complete Your Premium Invoice – Per EE Rate that coincides with CY quarter
How to Complete Your Premium Invoice – Per EE Rate that does not coincide with CY quarter.
Per Employee Rate - Coinciding with CY Quarter.
Per Employee Rate - Does Not Coincide with CY Quarter.

Preparing Monthly Statements

Instructions for preparing monthly statements-rates per $10 of benefits.
Instructions for preparing monthly statements- per employee rates.

Preparing Quarterly Statements

Instructions for preparing quarterly statements-rates per $10 of benefits.
Instructions for preparing quarterly statements- per employee rates.
Instructions for New York Disability Benefits Quarter Report and Information.

Quarterly Report and Information

Quarterly Report and Information – DBL.
Instructions for preparing quarterly statements - Partners and Proprietors.
Instructions for preparing quarterly statements - Hourly/Salaried.
Instructions for preparing quarterly statements - Covered Payroll.

Annual Report and Information

Annual Report and Information -- DBL

Claim Submission

DBL Information – Paper claims.
Submitting Claims – Disability Benefits.
New York Fraud Notice.


State Variations

ME - Maine.

ME Third Party Notice. Employees can use this form if they wish a third party (relative) to be notified if coverage is terminated.
ME Notice of Admin Review. If reinstatement of coverage is denied due to organic brain disease, this notice says a third party (relative, attorney ) can be notified about the denial and right to appeal.

MN - Minnesota

MN Cancellation Notice requires employer to provide written notice to employees about cancellation of plan.

NJ - New Jersey

NJ What You Need to Know about NJ Total Disability Benefits .
NJ Notice and Proof of Claim for Disability Benefits: New Jersey residents should use this form to file a disability claim.


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